Creating a product
API reference ProductsAPI
This endpoint can be used to import products from your system to byrd
Method access
Request Headers
Authorization: Bearer token-from >
Content-Type: application/json
User-Agent: your user-agent >
How to call the APIs
To create a product usable by the rest of the system these fields are required or might be required in the JSON request body depending on your case:
Field | Type | Description | Required |
sku | string | Code consisting of letters and/or numbers to identify a single physical item. Has to be unique in your environment. | always |
name | string | Name of the product | always |
description | string | Description of the product | optional |
barcode | string | Barcode that is on the product. It accepts digits and characters, depending on the barcode type selected. | conditional Required if the product has a barcode |
barcodeType | string | Type of barcode It accepts: ean_13 , code_128 , gs1_128 , qr_code . | conditional Required if the field barcode is used. |
purchasePrice | price object | Price used for customs documents and shipment insurance in case no price is provided during shipment creation. fields: - value (string): string of digits with decimals separated by a dot. - currency (string): currency in ISO 3-Letter code Please use the purchase price and not the retail price. | always |
customsTariffNumber | integer | Unique code that is documented in the Harmonised System (HS) for your product. It accepts only digits with lengths of 6, 8, or 10. | conditional Required if you plan to send shipments outside of EU or UK |
originCountryCode | string | Country code of the origin of the product. It accepts only ISO 3166-1 two digit codes. | conditional Required if you plan to send shipments outside of EU or UK |
dimensions | dimensions object | Weight of the product as sent to the warehouse. fields: - weight (string): string of digits with decimals separated by a dot. | conditional Required if you plan to send shipments outside of EU or UK |
lotsEnabled | boolean | If lots should be tracked when inbounding and shipping this product It accepts: true ,false | conditional Required if the lot number has to be tracked |
organic | boolean | If it's an organic product (special storage required) It accepts: true ,false | conditional Required if the product is organic |
fragile | boolean | If it's a fragile product (special packaging required) It accepts: true ,false | conditional Required if the product is fragile |
serialNumberEnabled | boolean | If serial number should be tracked when shipping this product It accepts: true ,false | conditional Required if the serial number has to be tracked |
reorderPoint | integer | The stock level below which you want to be alerted in the daily notification email (if enabled). | optional |
packagingUnitEnabled | boolean | If the the packaging unit contains multiple selling units. (the warehouse will attempt to pick high quantities more efficiently) It accepts: true ,false | conditional Required if the packaging unit contains multiple units |
packagingUnits | list of packagingUnit objects | Details of the packaging unit fields: - active: true ,false ,- quantity: string with integer - barcodeType: ean_13 , code_128 , gs1_128 , qr_code .- barcodeValue (string): digits and characters, depending on the barcode type selected. | conditional Required if packagingUnitEnabled is true |
Request body example
"sku": "AELMO-00005",
"name": "Awesome dog food",
"description": null,
"barcode": "0123456789101",
"barcodeType": "ean_13",
"productType": "product",
"purchasePrice": {
"value": 0.01,
"currency": "SEK"
"customsTariffNumber": "910121",
"originCountryCode": "CN",
"dimensions": {
"weight": 1.2
"lotsEnabled": false,
"organic": false,
"fragile": false,
"serialNumberEnabled": false,
"reorderPoint": 10,
"packagingUnitEnabled": true,
"packagingUnits": [
"quantity": "10",
"active": true,
"barcodeType": "ean_13",
"barcodeValue": "978020137962"
Successful response example
Product id
When the product is created successfully the response will contain all the details of the product. Some of them will be filled with default values. You can change most of the product details at any moment by calling the ProductAPI using the field id
from this response when product_id
is required.
We recommend you to save the byrd product_id on your side because it might be needed when you implement other flows like deliveries or stocks (querying by single product).
"data": {
"pictureID": null,
"deletedDate": null,
"isbn": null,
"bsku": "BSKU-ONXV1VAF04",
"active": true,
"reorderPoint": 10,
"weightEstimation": null,
"changeRequests": null,
"isDangerousGoods": false,
"fragile": false,
"unavailableStock": 0,
"sku": "AELMO-00005",
"customsTariffNumber": "910121",
"deleted": false,
"barcodeType": "ean_13",
"physicalStock": 0,
"retailPrice": null,
"updatedAt": "2023-03-16T13:26:06.226926+00:00",
"id": "the_product_id",
"purchasePriceEvidenceURL": null,
"dangerousGoods": [],
"packagingUnits": [
"active": true,
"barcodeType": "ean_13",
"barcodeValue": "978020137962",
"quantity": 10
"variantID": null,
"reservedStock": 0,
"dangerousGoodsMSDSURL": null,
"barcode": "0123456789101",
"description": null,
"createdAt": "2023-03-16T13:26:06.226913+00:00",
"ean": null,
"lotsEnabled": false,
"name": "Awesome dog food",
"availableStock": 0,
"productType": "product",
"storages": [],
"shopID": null,
"originCountryCode": "CN",
"purchasePrice": {
"value": "0.01",
"currency": "SEK",
"taxFactor": "1.0"
"dimensions": {
"length": null,
"createdAt": "2023-03-16T13:26:06.247048+00:00",
"weight": 1.2,
"updatedAt": "2023-03-16T13:26:06.247056+00:00",
"height": null,
"createdBy": "CUSTOMER",
"id": "the_dimensions_id",
"sizeGroup": null,
"isHeightVariable": false,
"width": null
"productID": null,
"skipBarcodePick": false,
"packagingUnitEnabled": true,
"organic": false,
"stocksByWarehouse": {},
"serialNumberEnabled": false,
"upc": null
Updated about 1 year ago